Amanda Lundeteg, CEO & spokesperson

Amanda Lundeteg holds a degree in economy from Uppsala University and The New York Institute for International Business. She has previously been a board member at the Stockholm Museum of Women’s History and The Royal Dramatic Theatre.

She has been named one of the most powerful women in business, one of Sweden’s 101 top talents, one of the business sector’s 150 communication experts and one of the female leaders of the future. Amanda has appeared as a speaker at TEDx and Creative Mornings.

You can reach her at (+46)070-234 88 08 or amanda@allbright.se

Do you have questions regarding our educational services, please contact our vice president Tove Dahlgren at tove.dahlgren@allbright.se


Tove Dahlgren, vice president

Tove Dahlgren is a political scientist specializing in gender studies. She has experience in leading and facilitating workshops for management teams, supporting clients with DEI strategies, structures, and processes, and creating initiatives and action plans within the field of DEI. In addition, Tove has participated in the national media as an expert in gender equality and diversity issues on several occasions

You can reach her at (+46)073-940 34 05 or tove.dahlgren@allbright.se.


Jesper Lundquist, analyst

Jesper Lundquist holds a bachelor's degree in statistics with orientation towards sociology and political science. He also has a background as a teacher and musician. Jesper is responsible for analysis and external monitoring at Allbright.

You can reach him at (+46)070-611 58 84 or jesper.lundquist@allbright.se.


Sofie Mattsson, administrator

Sofie Mattsson has many years of experience in business development from an organizational and administrative perspective. Most recently, she comes from an event and communication agency as co-owner and office manager responsible for finance, personnel matters, and administration. She also has several years of experience as a project manager in culture and events. Sofie is responsible for the administrative work at Allbright.

You can reach her at (+46)070-425 19 85 or sofie.mattsson@allbright.se.


Julia Hellgren, communications specialist

Julia Hellgren holds a bachelor’s degree in professional writing from Högskolan i Gävle. She is an experienced copywriter, content manager, and brand communications manager, specializing in digital communication and marketing. Julia handles Allbright’s social media accounts and is involved in our reports and communication efforts.

You can reach her at (+46)070-350 52 00 or julia.hellgren@allbright.se.