Why? ​ 

  • Most employees and talents increasingly expect substantial DEI outcomes, and global social and political movements increase their expectations of businesses to create change. In addition, there's growing pressure on companies from customers, investors, and stakeholders to advance the social good. DEI training can help an organization unlock the full potential of all employees and to attract and retain diverse talent. 


  • Your culture is shaped every day by all your employees. Therefore, every interaction is an opportunity to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. Allbright will tailor a plan to your needs and can deliver virtually or in person. We have experience working with employees, leaders, executive management teams, and boards in various business sectors. 



DEI – a business strategy  
Build a robust base of DEI knowledge and awareness among all staff. Through statistics and facts, we explore the business case of DEI and create motivation for change. 

Unconscious bias  
Help your team understand the concept of unconscious bias and how to identify and counteract the hidden bias that affects us throughout the whole employee journey. 

Master Suppression Techniques  
Together we explore and overcome the most common master suppression techniques through real-life experiences and everyday cases.  

Inclusive culture and psychological safety 
Together, we change norms in the workplace to create more empathetic and inclusive workplaces where more people feel a responsibility for the culture. 

Inclusive leadership 
Develop your leaders with inclusive leadership training. We give your leaders hands-on tools and methods to create a more inclusive and equal workplace.